Tuesday, March 3, 2009

The Possibilities

Hey Friends!

This is first time I myself am writting my own thoughts in this blog. This blog I have created for me and others to see the individuals as achievers, contributors, human being with emotion and desires of a normal being and not look at their impairment and disabilities. In my experience generally we, the beings without impairments view only the impairments in a person if we at all notice them and then discard them as a non entity. If at all we take note of them we invoke the 'charitable being' in us. We leave our capacity and capabilities to see and treat them as equal (with immense ability and creativity) somewhere back in the last drawer of our consciousness.

Their disadvantage is not due to their personal impairment, but the inaccessible world we have built for them and prohibit them to be part of a normal life. So Disability is not what they need to overcome, it is for us to notice the Barriers and Remove.
Any human being including those with impairments have amazing abilities. Its only a matter of opportunities for those to manifest. My endeavour is to bring the stories of abilities and opportunities in one place.
Thanks to all the readers. Do join me celebrating the abilities & opportunities and encouraging those who need inspiration.